Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My very long week

I have been so busy I haven't had time to post anything! So I will do a quick update and then I will also start on the 33 weeks pregnant update. So a week ago John got hurt at work. We have fought and fought with workman's comp for a full week about this it has been insane. That's a topic for another day but the lesson that we have learned this week is workman's comp thinks that they do not have to follow any laws and can do what ever the hell they want to. 

Drawn By: Dorian Edmisson

My mom had a "Art Show" last weekend in Springfield Mo. It was the Cider Days Festival on Walnut Street. She has been planning for that weekend for MONTHS. I would call her she would either be doing something paper work related to the festival or she would be drawling. Well ,day 1 rained all day long. We went up there to support my momma and I am glad I did. While I was there she was awarded with "Outstanding Regional Artist". I was so proud of her!!! Here is a link to her Facebook and a link to her Website. If your interested in some of her stuff Facebook is the fastest way to get a hold of her. She is still working on her website. Here is a photo one of my favorite drawings she has done. It goes with nothing in my house but I love how this one looks. She is the only person who I have seen who does the reversal drawings like this. She even did one of our Ultra Sound of Cole for me for our baby shower! It is something that is very very special to me and I am so glad that I have it. I can not begin to tell you how proud of her I am! It made my day to be able to be there when she got awarded this.

Her Booth & Poster for the Award she won.
 We had a appointment last Thursday and the results of the Ultra Sound came back. Cole's left kidney was still dilated but they were sure that it was going to be ok. He will just pee more from his right kidney and it is very common in little boys. It still scares me to think that something is wrong with a kidney but other then that he was perfectly healthy. He is measuring on the bigger side for somethings but not all. He has a BIG Buddha belly as the tech said. She said she likes when they measure on the bigger side then the small side. He is head down and getting very cramped. I have noticed that my stretchmarks are getting worse and it doesn't matter what I do to prevent them I am still getting them. I am ok with that but i thought I was going to be a lucky one.  

These decals came all the way from California thanks to a friend of mine.
I just love love them.
We have also finished our Nursery this last week. I am so glad that is off my check list if now I could just get the rest of my house done. :P I have NO energy what so ever to do anything anymore it seems like. Today I laid in bed until 12pm watching Grey's. Talk about a LAZY day! Here is a few photos of what we have done with the nursery. We finally got his dresser put in his room and got all of his blankets out of his crib. Everything is ready for him. Is he ready for us though is the question. LOL I have noticed though that I have been wanting to get things done more now so then ever. I also have had a few real contractions starting this week. They are Killer and really surprised me with how intense they really are. I thought I could handle them but now I am staring to second guess things. One thing is for sure though I am excited to meet my son and for him to get here and start our life as a little family! 

Ill post my weekly update tomorrow and I promise Ill get back to posting more! Don't forget if you go to my mom's site or Facebook be sure to give us a shout out!

Thanks for Reading!

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