Thursday, September 13, 2012

32 Weeks!!!

That's right! Today is our 32nd week of being pregnant! I can't believe how long I have been pregnant for and how fast it has went by! Here is a little bit about what is going on this week with mommy and baby!

Photo from Baby Center

As you can tell its getting very cramped in there. I hope he doesn't have leg cramps like his daddy.  I have noticed Cole has been more cramped and is trying to make room for him self.. I feel bad and hate to tell him I don't know that he can have that much room left and no matter how hard he pushes and punches its not going to change. I wish I could change it but I can't. 

Whats going on with Cole?-
He is continuing to grow. His toenails and fingernails are fully formed and his lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. His skeleton has completely formed, but his bones are still very soft and pliable. His Lanugo, the soft, downy hair that insulates your baby, continues to fall off this week. He is also swallowing the vernix caseosa and that will make up his first poopy diaper called Meconium. His skin is also not see threw anymore! :) Yay

Whats going on with Mommy?-
Well there is this gigantic belly that is getting more and more difficult to deal with. I am having more back pain now then before. 
I have been pretty lucky, I haven't had heartburn or Hemorrhoids yet. I am hoping that I can avoid that fun part of pregnancy. I do have stretch marks, but I am OK with them they are not bad. Don't expect to get a picture of the bare belly though! ;) My hips are also killing me, I am sure that's because they are moving to allow room for the baby when he makes his big duet! 

We only have 56 days to go!! I am so glad that we are down to the home stretch. The first thing I am going to do is sleep on my belly!!! 

Thanks For Reading!


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