Thursday, September 20, 2012

33 Weeks!!!

I can't believe that we have made it to 33 weeks! 33 weeks means that we have 7 weeks left until our Due Date. Seven weeks means that we have 49 days left to go! I have been having more contractions this week. I had three that were monsters! Took me completely off guard! My mom thinks that he will be here in three weeks!! That's so soon I am kinda nervous about it. I have also started my nesting phase. His nursery is done and our room is done and ready for him as well. Now to just get the rest of my house clean and we will be good. 

Photo From

As you can see Cole is really cramped in there and I feel how cramped he is! Its about to kill me. 
Cole weigh's about 4-5 pounds this week. His bones are hardening and he is keeping his eyes open when he is awake. He is also coordinating breathing with swallowing and suckling, this makes momma proud! Every time he gets the hiccups the more I know he is practicing his breathing for the real world. He is going thru more major brain development this week! I hope he is a smart cookie and goes to med school and makes lots of money! ;) Well if that's what he wants anyways. He keeps piling on baby fat more and more each week. I am glad that he is because that means he wont be see through! ;) I cant wait to meet my little man. I hope he has lots of hair and is healthy, when ever he decides he wants to come into this world. :P 

That's about all that is new this week with Cole and I. I hope you guys have had a wonderful week. 

Thanks for Reading!


  1. Woohoo! Only 4 weeks until you're full term Bobbi-Jo! Keep growing little Cole. Hannah can't wait to see pictures of you :D

  2. I know!!! This pregnancy has went by very fast!! Annalise will be here soon too! :O It is crazy to think how fast time has went by.
