Thursday, September 27, 2012

34 Weeks that means we are 42 days away..

From our DUE DATE!!! :O That's right we have 1 month and 11 days to go! It seems so far away but at the same time so very close. We are ready to meet our son. We have everything that is a need for newborn. I can't believe how in the beginning of pregnancy I was stressing out about how would it all work out and fall into place and here we are 6 weeks until Due Date and it seems like it just fell into place. Of course we couldn't have done that with out wonderful friends and family. :)

So whats up this week with Cole?
Photo from

He is about the size of a Butternut Squash! He is recognizing simple songs.  He is also urinating about a pint a day, in case you were wondering how much he was peeing. He is suppose to be shifting into my pelvis this week and be head down. He has been in my pelvis and head down for atleast 5 weeks now. I hope he stays head down. I think that he will but there is still that chance that he could be stubborn like me and turn. I have also noticed that his hiccups are getting stronger and stronger. When he gets them (4 or 5 times a day) I can watch my whole belly bounce with each hiccup. We had a Ultra Sound today he weighted in at 5 pounds 7 ounces. He is a CHUNKY MONKEY! They estimated his birth weight to be 8-9 pounds. :O I am quite terrified honestly but at the same time I am glad because that means I am doing my job properly with him gaining weight and me only gaining 4 pounds the whole pregnancy. His head and belly were measuring 35 weeks and 4 days but the rest of him was 34 weeks, right were he needs to be. His weight is in the 50th percentile I have NO idea what that stuff means but she said she would rather him be a little bit bigger then not big enough. He is still head down he how ever was sunny side up today. I am not worried about that though because they can turn him. Next appointment is in 2 weeks and I will have my first cervical check and group b swab!! :O I think this was probably our last U/S for this pregnancy. That means the next time I see our little man it will be his "D. Day".
Cole's Face and Chubby Cheeks <3

Whats up with Mom this week?
I am tired I am bitchy and sore. I am getting less and less sleep. I am also now waking up to Cole moving when he decides to spin on his head at 6 am. I have also been nesting like crazy for the last week. I think my house has never been this clean and sterilized. :O I am driving Johnathon crazy with it I think but he has been such a trooper and helped me rearrange everything. The belly is getting quite large and my stretch marks are getting worse. I thought I would get them but they wouldn't be as bad as they are turning out to be because I already had some from gaining weight after High School.. I was wrong. I am ok with them though. I just will not be posting any bare belly photo's anywhere for anyone. :P My back has also started to kill me from all the weight that I am packing around. Even though I have only gained 5 pounds this entire pregnancy, it is quite a bit of weight to tote around all day. I have had more contractions this week they are starting to get really annoying. I am glad I am having them however! :) 
Mommy's 33w3d pic.

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

33 Weeks!!!

I can't believe that we have made it to 33 weeks! 33 weeks means that we have 7 weeks left until our Due Date. Seven weeks means that we have 49 days left to go! I have been having more contractions this week. I had three that were monsters! Took me completely off guard! My mom thinks that he will be here in three weeks!! That's so soon I am kinda nervous about it. I have also started my nesting phase. His nursery is done and our room is done and ready for him as well. Now to just get the rest of my house clean and we will be good. 

Photo From

As you can see Cole is really cramped in there and I feel how cramped he is! Its about to kill me. 
Cole weigh's about 4-5 pounds this week. His bones are hardening and he is keeping his eyes open when he is awake. He is also coordinating breathing with swallowing and suckling, this makes momma proud! Every time he gets the hiccups the more I know he is practicing his breathing for the real world. He is going thru more major brain development this week! I hope he is a smart cookie and goes to med school and makes lots of money! ;) Well if that's what he wants anyways. He keeps piling on baby fat more and more each week. I am glad that he is because that means he wont be see through! ;) I cant wait to meet my little man. I hope he has lots of hair and is healthy, when ever he decides he wants to come into this world. :P 

That's about all that is new this week with Cole and I. I hope you guys have had a wonderful week. 

Thanks for Reading!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My very long week

I have been so busy I haven't had time to post anything! So I will do a quick update and then I will also start on the 33 weeks pregnant update. So a week ago John got hurt at work. We have fought and fought with workman's comp for a full week about this it has been insane. That's a topic for another day but the lesson that we have learned this week is workman's comp thinks that they do not have to follow any laws and can do what ever the hell they want to. 

Drawn By: Dorian Edmisson

My mom had a "Art Show" last weekend in Springfield Mo. It was the Cider Days Festival on Walnut Street. She has been planning for that weekend for MONTHS. I would call her she would either be doing something paper work related to the festival or she would be drawling. Well ,day 1 rained all day long. We went up there to support my momma and I am glad I did. While I was there she was awarded with "Outstanding Regional Artist". I was so proud of her!!! Here is a link to her Facebook and a link to her Website. If your interested in some of her stuff Facebook is the fastest way to get a hold of her. She is still working on her website. Here is a photo one of my favorite drawings she has done. It goes with nothing in my house but I love how this one looks. She is the only person who I have seen who does the reversal drawings like this. She even did one of our Ultra Sound of Cole for me for our baby shower! It is something that is very very special to me and I am so glad that I have it. I can not begin to tell you how proud of her I am! It made my day to be able to be there when she got awarded this.

Her Booth & Poster for the Award she won.
 We had a appointment last Thursday and the results of the Ultra Sound came back. Cole's left kidney was still dilated but they were sure that it was going to be ok. He will just pee more from his right kidney and it is very common in little boys. It still scares me to think that something is wrong with a kidney but other then that he was perfectly healthy. He is measuring on the bigger side for somethings but not all. He has a BIG Buddha belly as the tech said. She said she likes when they measure on the bigger side then the small side. He is head down and getting very cramped. I have noticed that my stretchmarks are getting worse and it doesn't matter what I do to prevent them I am still getting them. I am ok with that but i thought I was going to be a lucky one.  

These decals came all the way from California thanks to a friend of mine.
I just love love them.
We have also finished our Nursery this last week. I am so glad that is off my check list if now I could just get the rest of my house done. :P I have NO energy what so ever to do anything anymore it seems like. Today I laid in bed until 12pm watching Grey's. Talk about a LAZY day! Here is a few photos of what we have done with the nursery. We finally got his dresser put in his room and got all of his blankets out of his crib. Everything is ready for him. Is he ready for us though is the question. LOL I have noticed though that I have been wanting to get things done more now so then ever. I also have had a few real contractions starting this week. They are Killer and really surprised me with how intense they really are. I thought I could handle them but now I am staring to second guess things. One thing is for sure though I am excited to meet my son and for him to get here and start our life as a little family! 

Ill post my weekly update tomorrow and I promise Ill get back to posting more! Don't forget if you go to my mom's site or Facebook be sure to give us a shout out!

Thanks for Reading!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

32 Weeks!!!

That's right! Today is our 32nd week of being pregnant! I can't believe how long I have been pregnant for and how fast it has went by! Here is a little bit about what is going on this week with mommy and baby!

Photo from Baby Center

As you can tell its getting very cramped in there. I hope he doesn't have leg cramps like his daddy.  I have noticed Cole has been more cramped and is trying to make room for him self.. I feel bad and hate to tell him I don't know that he can have that much room left and no matter how hard he pushes and punches its not going to change. I wish I could change it but I can't. 

Whats going on with Cole?-
He is continuing to grow. His toenails and fingernails are fully formed and his lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. His skeleton has completely formed, but his bones are still very soft and pliable. His Lanugo, the soft, downy hair that insulates your baby, continues to fall off this week. He is also swallowing the vernix caseosa and that will make up his first poopy diaper called Meconium. His skin is also not see threw anymore! :) Yay

Whats going on with Mommy?-
Well there is this gigantic belly that is getting more and more difficult to deal with. I am having more back pain now then before. 
I have been pretty lucky, I haven't had heartburn or Hemorrhoids yet. I am hoping that I can avoid that fun part of pregnancy. I do have stretch marks, but I am OK with them they are not bad. Don't expect to get a picture of the bare belly though! ;) My hips are also killing me, I am sure that's because they are moving to allow room for the baby when he makes his big duet! 

We only have 56 days to go!! I am so glad that we are down to the home stretch. The first thing I am going to do is sleep on my belly!!! 

Thanks For Reading!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall time is here and that means...

Fall Cleaning! Yup this momma has this strong urge to get things clean. I am not for sure if it is 100% nesting or just I am feeling the time crunch. I think its both there is still so much that needs to be done. With Cole being born very soon and the holidays fast approaching I don't know how much time we are going to have to get everything spotless and ready for family dinners and what not. So why not start now?

Thanks to I have my own fall chore checklist to make sure that I get all of the things I need to get done, done. With this house being so little I should be able to knock it all out pretty quickly.  Johnathon gets to come home tho and do dishes :D I can do everything else I just hate hate hate doing dishes!!  Here is Organized home's Fall chore Check list check it out and get organized with your fall cleaning! Check List

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Car Seat Safety-

Today I have been doing a lot of reading on Car Seat Safety. It's a pretty big thing that most people do not understand. I think it is just because there is lack of education out there on this topic. If you don't know a lot about Car Seat Safety that's OK. One of my biggest fears is a car wreck and that's why I have made sure I know what there is to know about Car Seat Safety. Dear Husband doesn't know how to even install a car seat right now let alone how to do pinch tests, were the chest clip should be, and how tight the straps need to be.  We will go over those and what their reason is as well as several other topics on Car Seat Safety. 

Just how important is Car Seat Safety?-
It is very important! We all have a car and we have to drive some were on a weekly basis atleast. It doesn't matter if you are the worlds best driver or not, there are still other people on the road who don't pay attention. They could be talking on their phone, they could even be texting, I have seen people even put make up on while driving. Everything you do while operating a vehicle takes away from your awareness.  
Child safety seats reduce the risk of a potentially fatal injury substantially for babies in particular and also for toddlers if used properly. 

How to properly install a infant car seat.-

How to properly install a convertible seat.-
Rear-Facing is best for baby and here is why,  What one would you rather be in if you were in a collision? The minimum requirements is Newborn to Age One and Twenty Pounds.  Many others recommend that your child is Rear-Facing until they reach the maximum rear-facing limits of a convertible seat. Most convertible seats allow 30 pounds rear-facing weight limit or when the top of their head is within one inch of the top of the seat what ever one comes first. 

Extended Harnessing- 
The twenty-pound/age one rule has become the standard for keeping infants rear-facing.  After that, there is much debate and confusion.  Many parents choose to move their toddler/preschooler to a booster seat once they outgrow the weight limit on their forward-facing convertible seat. Keeping children in a 5 point harness is best until at least 4 years old and 40 lbs or they are to tall for the seat. Britax Makes a 5 point harness seat for the weight up to 80 pounds!

Winter Coats- 
Cole is due in November where its starting to get cold and we are right in the middle of cold and flu season. So of course we are very worried about keeping him away from sickness as much as possible. We also want to keep him as warm as we can. Did you know that car seats and winter coats do not mix? Doesn't matter if they are think winter coats or not they are still very dangerous! Here is a GREAT video that shows how they really do not mix. Scary huh?

How the child should be buckled into the seat.- 
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I have friends who don't even pay attention to how they are buckling their child into their seat.  The first thing is the straps should come out of the car seat ABOVE your child's shoulders. If your child sits on the holes were the straps come out its not doing your child any good. When you are buckling your child in make sure that the chest clip is at arm pit/nipple level. Not down on their belly not up under their neck its called a chest clip for a reason and if you child can move the clip down your straps are not tight enough. If your child can move their arms out of the seat your straps are not tight enough. To check and make sure that your straps are tight enough is very simple and easy. Put a finger under the strap and with your other hand try to pinch the strap. If you can pinch some of the strap it is to lose. If your fingers just slide over your other finger then your straps are tight enough for your child.

Did you know that the cute covers that you have made or buy are not safe either? If it didn't come on your seat when you purchased it, it does not belong there. It has not been tested with that cover and there is no telling what could happen. Yes they are super cute and I even want one but the safety of my child is more important to me instead of cute covers that nobody is going to pay attention to.
Make sure when you buy your car seats if you buy them used that you know all the information on the seat and you buy it from some one who you know. Most people do not understand that if your car seat has been in a car wreck it is no longer safe. It doesn't matter if it was expired or not it is null in void after that even if it is just a fender bender. Also if you don't know if your seat is still good or not you can take it to your local fire department or hospital and they can tell you if it is good or expired (yes they expire six years from their manufacture date). So say you bought a car seat in 1999 it expired in 2005! To find out if your seat has been recalled you can write your model # down that is on the seat and Google it. If there is a recall or has been a recall on them it will show on the first few links.

Remember it doesn't matter how great of a driver you are, there are other people who do not pay attention to what they are doing and I would hate to see something happen to a child because the car seat was not installed properly. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I will be more then glad to help you with what I can. :)

  Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Hospital Bags-

So as every first time mom wonders when is the right time to pack the Hospital bags and what all do I really need in them? Seeing as how I have never had to worry about packing a hospital bag or anything like that I had NO idea what I was going to pack. So I decided that at 35 weeks I would start buying the things I need to take to the hospital with us and I would start packing and I plan to have everything done and in them by 37ish weeks. As soon as they are complete I am going to put them in the car.

Everyone has different opinions on what to take to the hospital, So I made a list from a BUNCH of other lists and here is what is going in my bag.

  • My insurance info & Photo ID
  • My contacts & Solution
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Tooth Brush & tooth paste
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Flip Flops
  • Comfortable Clothes (IE Sweat pants and lose shirt)
  • Daddy's Pillow 
  • My laptop & Charger
  • Camera & Charger
  • Chap-stick because the hospitals are so dry
  • Gum
  • My Special blanky
  • Warm Socks
  • Pads that are not 3000 inches thick
  • Breast Cream & Breast Pads
  • Cell Phone & Charger ( I am going to buy a new Charger to leave in the bag)
  • Nursing Bra
  • Yoga Ball ( If my hospital will let me)
  • Snack Foods & Drinks
  • Pony Tail Holders
  • Towels
  • Hair Brush
  • Extra Undies
I am going to write down everything in my bag for my nurses with a check list spot next to the item, I know they are rushed and don't really have time to inventory everything I feel the need to bring.  I am also going to leave the bags in the car until we are admitted and everything is a "for sure going to happen tonight thing".

Cole's bag-
  • 2 different outfits size NB and 0-3
  • 4 onesies (to layer with)
  • some of his burp cloths
  • His Boppy Billow
  • Several Swaddling Blankets
  • A blanket for over him in his Car Seat
I think that is really all I am going to take for him.  Daddy will be coming home at night so if we need anything he can bring it back up to me.

I have however made my list of people who I am going to call when it is go time. I am not going to call everyone as I do not want everyone and their brother at the hospital waiting for Cole to make his entrance. It could be anywhere from a 1 hour to 36 hours for all we know and I just really want to be with my husband and very close family members. After the people I call get to the hospital I will then see how things are going and then give the go ahead to call others but It will be made clear that no one else will be allowed at the hospital. My list includes
  • My Mom and Step Dad
  • Johnathon's Parent's and Sister
  • My Aunt Jamie
  • My Nana
  • Aunt Sam
I feel like everyone can wait until we all get settled and everything is made sure is OK and things are going fine. As soon as we know whats going on other phone calls can be made and it be made clear not to come up to the hospital until the baby is born. This may be a bitch move but I am the one in labor and I don't handle stress all the best and I am sure everyone will be getting heads snapped, especially Johnathon, I am going to apologize before. :P I just don't want to deal with a lot of people in and out. Then I will post a Facebook update and then I will be updating my Due Date Buddy who will then also update the other Due Date Girls. 
Well I think that's it for this post.

Thanks for Reading

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I love this Fall Weather!

So Fall has seemed to hit the Ozarks and boy am I thankful for it!! Yesterday was our first nice day of cooler weather and today has been even nicer. With the temperature being lower and all the Halloween decorations and Pumpkins came my craving for Pumpkin Cookies!! They are so good!! Ill type the recipe and post a pic of them later on tonight. The bad thing about these cookies is they make you eat and eat and eat until you are sick! Boy oh Boy are they yummy tho! Last night for dinner we even had Chilli Cheese Wraps! Like I said this momma is very excited about fall! That also means that our little turkey will be here before we know it! I am so excited about getting to spend the holidays this year as a family. Its going to be completely new for all of us. 

Today we are taking Penny and Harley to the park to play. They have been inside this whole summer because its been way to hot for this momma to get out side and walk. So we are going to start making up for that. ;) Plus on the bright side it gets this momma walking, and that should help with labor and delivery! 

With in the next few weeks I am going to start my lists for stuff to make sure I pack in the hospital bags. What were a few things that you forgot but you needed?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

31 Weeks!!!

Cole's Profile Shot

Mommy's 31 Week Belly
I can not believe that we are already in our 31st week of pregnancy.  We started our 8th month of pregnancy. I never thought that it would come honestly. It seemed like it was going to take forever from 6 weeks and 3 days it seemed so far away but it really has went by very fast. This week Cole weighs 4 pounds and is at least 16+ inches long! Crazy to think that we are exactly 2 months from our Due Date! This week Cole is about the size of a pineapple and he's going through major brain and nerve development. Eye development, too. His irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order. Cole has started this new game of shoving his feet to the very top of my belly and stretching out as far as he can.  When I try to push him back down he gets mad at me and will take both feet and kick the crud out of my hand. When he does this it feels very weird. LOL I love every part of pregnancy no matter how bad it is. The end result is such a blessing I can not wait until we are to that point in the road.

I am so glad that my all day sickness is gone. It feels great to be able to go out in public again with out worrying about getting sick. I decided that I would start packing the Hospital Bag and Cole's Diaper Bag when we hit 36 weeks. I also am going to write everything down for my nurses that way when they go to inventory everything we have brought they can go threw check what we have on our list off and then use that. 

I did get asked about my "birth plan" the other day in Wal-mart. It took me off guard but when I told the lady that I was going to try to have the baby with out the Epidural she had this seer panic look on her face and said "oh Hunny you will want that Epidural." I looked at her and said "Yea I am sure its painful but women did it for years with out the Epidural why is such a odd thing that there are still some women who want to have the baby with out the Epidural?" That ended the conversation pretty quickly. My birth plan goes as follows. I am only going to allow the people who support me in the room before the baby is born. I am not going to listen to "Oh just get the Epi". If my doctor thinks that it is a good decision to get the Epi then fine I will give in and get it. If he says i am doing fine without it great. I am paying him to be my doctor and I trust what he tells me. If something changes I am not going to be this head strong person and demand that it is done my way or no way. By the time we get to this point this baby is going to be coming out one way or another and I want him here safest way possible. The Dr. does this every day I however do not. I am going to trust his judgement. So I guess you can say my plan is to go in with a flexible back bone and let them know my preferences but at the same time trust their judgements.

I had my breastfeeding class on Thursday. It was very boring as it was everything that I had already known and researched. I think the only thing that's really going to help me is when Cole is born a Lactation Consultant. I have never breastfed. I have no idea what great latch is but I am not to worried about it. I am sure it will come naturally to Cole and I. 

Thanks for reading!

My pregnancy

Well, I started this blog two years ago for our everyday life after the wedding and life got super super busy and forgot that I even had one until I logged into blogger with my email to follow another blog. I will fill you in on our back story and how we have found our self's to were we are today, expecting parents. :)

Our Back Story-
I am Bobbi and I am 20 years old. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and ready for this emotional roller coaster to be over. I have had a very very rough pregnancy.  My husband is Johnathon he is 23 years old. We got married in July of 2010. We knew that we were going to be married one day so we got married very quickly. It felt right and we both agreed that we wouldn't have it any other way. It was our way and it was special to us. I remember on our wedding day that I wasn't stressed or nervous I was just ready to see my husband after spending the day away from him. When we finally got to be together again I don't think I stopped smiling. We had a smaller wedding but the church was packed with people. I can say that I married my soul mate. :) We have two fur babys. One is a pit mix and her name is Penny and then we have a Cocker Spaniel named Harley.  Well fast forward a bit. On February 28th we found out that we were going to be having a baby. I called Johnathon at work and told him while he was at Wal-mart. He was still working the 4 pm to 1 am shift. He was so excited. I then called my mom and told her that I was for sure pregnant. I had been telling her for two weeks that I was pregnant but all of my tests were coming up negative. She said i was too stressed and that it was throwing my period off. I couldn't help but rub it in that I in fact was pregnant! LOL. Based on my last period they said I was going to be due some time around October 26th. At our first Ultrasound they told me that I was due around November 8th. I was bummed that it was pushed back about two weeks but I was still so excited that we were going to be having our very own special bundle of joy I didn't really care. We told his family and it went better then what we thought it would. His sister was upset and we figured that she would be but things have completely changed from the beginning and I think she is now getting really really excited. We are very thankful for the family we have and that our baby is going to grow up in a loving healthy environment. 
About my pregnancy-
Around ten weeks pregnant my all day sickness set in. It was so bad all day I couldn't eat or drink anything. I was trying to drink coke because when my tummy is upset it always seemed to help, Nah it didn't pregnancy won that battle. I finally bucked up and called my OB-GYN. I asked them if there was something I could do to help with it. I had tried all the natural cures to it and NOTHING helped. Most of it made me even sicker. They put me on one type of medication and it didn't touch it. I still had the all day sickness. I had seen were several ladies on my Due Date Club had mentioned that they took Zofran and it was the best stuff you could get your hands on for Morning/All day sickness. So I called back to my OB-GYN and they gave me Zofran. When I got my first pill it was like instant relief from the sickness. Then at around 20 weeks I passed out. We still have no clue as to why I did but I stood up to answer my front door turned around and fell right threw my coffee table and I woke up on my belly. I don't know if I landed on the tummy or what but the baby was ok we went to the ER and they did a Ultrasound and there was our little monkey all big and looked like a baby instead of a gummy bear! Then I had my Gestational Diabetes test done around 26 weeks That was August 2nd. I failed the test and it was also the last day that I took my Zofran! So all day sickness from 10 weeks until 26 weeks and a failed 1 hour Glucose test. The next week I went and took the 3 hour test and it was the hardest thing I had been through. The drink wasn't all that bad. I found out that I would rather drink it warm then cold. What was bad was the sugar overload in your empty system. I was so tired and I slept through the hour intervals in the waiting room. :O But the stuff made me feel so yucky. I finally got the call 3 days later that I had passed the 3 hour. I had completely changed my diet and what I was drinking until I knew I passed the 3 hour test. We had just had our 30 week appointment on August 30th and we had Ultra Sound that day because the appointment before that I was measuring bigger then what I was suppose to. We found out that the baby was measuring a little big but also right on track. They didn't change my due date they said that he had a big Buddha belly and big solders and head. I am glad that he is measuring right on track but also big at the same time. That means that I am doing my job! I have only gained 4 pounds from start to to now. I know I should gain some more by the end of the pregnancy but I am pretty happy with were my weight is at being pregnant. We also found out at the ultrasound that Monkey's left Kidney was measuring bigger then the right one. My doctor said that he is pretty sure that everything will be ok and its pretty normal with little boys. YUP! We found out on or around June 21st we found out that our little monkey that my body hated me for making was going to be a BOY. Everyone just knew that he was a she! 

It took us almost a month and a half to come up with this baby's name! After long nights of searching thousands and thousands of names and listening to people say oh name him this or that. We finally came up with Johnathan Cole. We will call him Cole so he is named after his daddy and daddy's family tradition with the "J" name but he also has his own name to go by. If he wants to go by Johnathan when he gets into school we are ok with that. :) 

This is just a little bit about us. I will post a update later on this evening with my 31 week update and some pictures. :)