Cole's Profile Shot |
Mommy's 31 Week Belly |
I can not believe that we are already in our 31st week of pregnancy. We started our 8th month of pregnancy. I never thought that it would come honestly. It seemed like it was going to take forever from 6 weeks and 3 days it seemed so far away but it really has went by very fast. This week Cole weighs 4 pounds and is at least 16+ inches long! Crazy to think that we are exactly 2 months from our Due Date! This week Cole is about the size of a pineapple and he's going through major brain and nerve development. Eye development, too. His irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order. Cole has started this new game of shoving his feet to the very top of my belly and stretching out as far as he can. When I try to push him back down he gets mad at me and will take both feet and kick the crud out of my hand. When he does this it feels very weird. LOL I love every part of pregnancy no matter how bad it is. The end result is such a blessing I can not wait until we are to that point in the road.
I am so glad that my all day sickness is gone. It feels great to be able to go out in public again with out worrying about getting sick. I decided that I would start packing the Hospital Bag and Cole's Diaper Bag when we hit 36 weeks. I also am going to write everything down for my nurses that way when they go to inventory everything we have brought they can go threw check what we have on our list off and then use that.
I did get asked about my "birth plan" the other day in Wal-mart. It took me off guard but when I told the lady that I was going to try to have the baby with out the Epidural she had this seer panic look on her face and said "oh Hunny you will want that Epidural." I looked at her and said "Yea I am sure its painful but women did it for years with out the Epidural why is such a odd thing that there are still some women who want to have the baby with out the Epidural?" That ended the conversation pretty quickly. My birth plan goes as follows. I am only going to allow the people who support me in the room before the baby is born. I am not going to listen to "Oh just get the Epi". If my doctor thinks that it is a good decision to get the Epi then fine I will give in and get it. If he says i am doing fine without it great. I am paying him to be my doctor and I trust what he tells me. If something changes I am not going to be this head strong person and demand that it is done my way or no way. By the time we get to this point this baby is going to be coming out one way or another and I want him here safest way possible. The Dr. does this every day I however do not. I am going to trust his judgement. So I guess you can say my plan is to go in with a flexible back bone and let them know my preferences but at the same time trust their judgements.
I had my breastfeeding class on Thursday. It was very boring as it was everything that I had already known and researched. I think the only thing that's really going to help me is when Cole is born a Lactation Consultant. I have never breastfed. I have no idea what great latch is but I am not to worried about it. I am sure it will come naturally to Cole and I.
Thanks for reading!
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